1300 364 858

Tank Water Purification: Understanding Water Tank Filtration Systems

over 20 years of experience, Pristine Water Systems (PWS) specialises in water tank and whole-of-house filtration systems.

If you need water filtration, we have the solution!

Our water technicians provide the right guidance for a filtration or ultraviolet system to suit your needs. Not all filters do the same job, so ask the experts for an obligation-free quote, and you, too, can have Pristine Water!

Tank Water Filtration

What type of water tank filter system do you need?

When choosing a water filter system, you need to establish what you need it for and what problems you are currently dealing with. At Pristine Water Systems, we have a wide range of solutions to suit every need.

Some of the key water tank filtration elements you need to consider are:

Water Tank Sediment: Does it need to be removed?

  • There are different sediment filters for different situations. A quality sediment filter will last longer and provide cleaner water.

Water Tank Bacteria: Are you concerned about tank water viruses?

  • Some filters remove bacteria, but the best solution to eliminate bacteria from your water is an UltraViolet system.

Water Tank Chemicals: Do you want to remove metals or chemicals from your water?

  • Rural water supplies can suffer from chemical spray drift, while town water (mains) has chlorine for disinfection. The right filter can remove or reduce these elements and improve the taste of your water.

To choose the right filter for your situation, look at our range of products or contact us to learn more.

The Best Water Tank Filtration Systems For You


  • Suitable for tank water from roof runoff or ground water
  • Multi-stage filtration system
  • Remove bacteria & viruses, bad tastes and odours
  • Ultraviolet sterilisation, destroying 99.99% of bacteria and water viruses
  • Does not use Chlorine!
  • Filter replacement typically required every 12-months, depending on quality of water


  • Suitable for Whole of House for Mains water or Rainwater/Ground water tanks
  • Multi-stage filtration system
  • Paired with Pristine Water Systems quality filters to remove sediment down to 1 micron
  • Will remove some bacteria and cysts (requires Ultraviolet unit to be 99.99% effective in removing bacteria)
  • Recommended filter replacement every 12-months (depending on quality of water)


Add a third filter system for Carbon block to remove chlorine, metals and poor tastes

Ultraviolet Unit can be added to system post-installment


  • Suitable for town water (mains) to remove sediment and improve quality of taste
  • Also suitable for stored tank water situations where a Whole of House system is not possible.
  • Discretely hidden under your benchtop, with a quality faucet providing direct filtered water
  • Various faucets available, including direct to your sinks main taps
  • Filter cartridges available in a variety of media to suit all applications
  • Filter replacement typically required every 12-months, depending on quality of water


  • Suitable for town water (mains) to remove sediment and improve quality of taste
  • Also suitable for stored tank water situations where a Whole of House system is not possible
  • Filter cartridges available in a variety of media to suit all applications
  • Filter replacement typically required every 12-months, depending on quality of water


Reverse Osmosis | Pristine Water Systems
  • Suitable for tank water from roof runoff or ground water
  • Multi-stage filtration system
  • Remove bacteria & viruses, bad tastes and odours
  • Ultraviolet sterilisation, destroying 99.99% of bacteria and water viruses
  • Does not use Chlorine!
  • Filter replacement typically required every 12-months, depending on quality of water


Pristine Water Systems also provides filtration and ultraviolet system servicing and parts.

No matter what system you are currently using to filter your water, Pristine Water Systems can service and replace filters, ultraviolet lamps, quartz chambers and sanitise your system to ensure it is running at its optimal best!


Protect-UV Filtration System

A Pristine Water Systems Protect-UV filtration system is the solution for your household.

If you have tank water at your property, this water is at risk of being contaminated. With our Protect-UV system in place, you can rest assured that your family’s health is well looked after.

This system dramatically reduces your exposure to parasites, bacteria and viruses that lead to health problems such as diarrhoea, cramping and more.

Simply passing water through our filtration and Protect UV Sterilisation system can destroy the source of these illnesses, keeping your family safe from disease.


Protect UV System Includes:

  • Stainless Steel Reactor Chamber
  • Ultraviolet Lamp
  • Quality Quartz Sleeve
  • Ballast (Power Supply)


  • Pre-UV filtration to reduce water turbidity increasing UV effectiveness
  • A variety of filtration media is available depending on water quality and conditions specific to each situation.
  • Improves water quality & taste


An Ultraviolet Steriliser is an electrical device which produces ultraviolet energy (present in the natural spectrum of sunlight) that is used to destroy micro-organisms present in water, without introducing chemicals. Water passes through the steriliser unit, where micro-organisms including bacteria, viruses, algae, protozoa, parasites and mould spores are exposed to an intense dose of ultraviolet light which inactivates them.


Pre-filtration is extremely important. It reduces the turbidity of the water increasing UV effectiveness.

Cysts, bacteria and viruses may easily hide behind larger particles of sand, dirt, dust or sediment. Viruses are the smallest and simplest life forms; they are 10 – 100 times smaller than bacteria.


  • Protect-UV sterilises 99.99% of parasites, bacteria and viruses
  • Immediate treatment process
  • Economical and effective
  • No harmful chemicals required
  • Safe to use*. No risk of UV overdose
  • Low maintenance – Lamp life of 12 months
  • Environmentally friendly – safe alternative to chemicals such as chlorine
  • No storing, mixing or handling, nor risk of overdosing from any chemical application. No risk of Triholomehanes (proven to cause cancer) forming as a by-product from the reaction of chlorine with organic matter
  • Approved to Australian standards AS/NZS 4348; AS/NZS 4397
  • Quality stainless steel UV chamber, quartz sleeve and UV lamp.

* Warning: UV light is harmful to eyes and exposed skin. A safety notice is included with the operating instructions. NEVER look at a UV lamp when it is switched on.

Rural Tank Filtration

Stored tank water supplies contain many impurities ranging from accumulated sediments from organic matter such as leaves, flowers, dirt and other contaminants.

It may also contain insects, small rodents and reptiles as well as microorganisms including bacteria, viruses, algae, protozoa, parasites, mould spores, E.coli, Giardia, Cysts and Cryptosporidium.

If you have tank water at your property, this water is at risk of being contaminated. With a PWS filtration system your family will be healthier. We have a comprehensive range of quality domestic rural water filtration systems ranging from countertop, under sink units, whole of house filtration solutions as well as Ultraviolet (UV) Sterilisation Systems.

Town Water Filtration

Town or mains water supplies are treated to control bacteria and other nasty elements found in untreated water. This water may also contain many impurities ranging from sediments such as dirt and rust, to heavy metals as well as chemicals such as chlorine and fluoride. It may also contain microorganisms such as Giardia, Cysts and Cryptosporidium. Each of these contaminants may have adverse health effects on your family. These elements can also adversely affect the colour, taste and smell of water making it undesirable to drink.

We have a comprehensive range of quality domestic water filtration systems ranging from:

  • Counter Top
  • Undersink units through to 4-stage Reverse Osmosis (RO) Systems.
  • Whole of house systems
  • Shower and Bath Filters

Like to find out more about joining the PWS team?

Pristine Water Systems currently have over 17 Franchisees operating in Queensland, New South Wales, Western Australia and expanding. We have opportunities across the country in some very exciting regions. If you are interested in working together, send us an enquiry and we will get back to you as soon as we can!