1300 364 858

Rainwater Tank Cleaning: How Safe is Your Tank Water?

You and your family deserve clean, safe water, free of the contaminants from your roof: leaf mould, overblown soil, fire particles and pesticides, insects and small animals, animal droppings, rust, and more.

To make your water safe, we remove sludge and organic build-up, filter your water (if needed), circulate and aerate it, and apply our AqueousPro water sanitiser—all with minimal water loss.

Water Tank Cleaning and Tank Water Treatments for Safe Drinking Water

Our local technicians assess your water quality and provide a quote on the best solution/s to ensure you have pristine drinking water.

  • Sediment/sludge inspection
  • pH and TDS (Total Dissolved Solids) testing
  • Strainer and water catchment assessment
Brad Pike | Franchising | Pristine Water Systems | Water Storage Tank Cleaning, Filtration & Treatment

Water Tank Cleaning Services for clean, healthy drinking water

Stored water in domestic holding tanks may appear clear and clean, but it is likely that the tank will contain organic contaminants and microorganisms, including bacteria, viruses, algae, protozoa, parasites, and mould spores.

 Quadclean™ is more than just vacuuming sludge from the bottom of your water tank. To truly enjoy pure drinking water, you need to ensure it is sanitised, filtered, and agitated to give it life!

 Irrespective of your water tank type, Pristine Water Systems can provide solutions to ensure you have healthy water. See below for details on the type of water tank cleaning service that is suitable for you.

 Here are some of the reasons why PWS QuadClean™ is a must: 

  • Minimal water loss or wastage.
  • No chlorine used.
  • Our Water Sanitiser, AqueousPro™ is a unique water purifying product that controls bacteria & viruses, approved under the Australia Drinking Water Guidelines, as a potable water treatment.
  • Health benefits of oxygenating water via sanitisation & filtration processes.
  • High standard of service with fantastic results.

Tank water purification and sanitisation

QuadClean™ is suitable in most situations for the cleaning of rainwater tanks and domestic and commercial applications, as well as many other applications associated with the sanitisation and treatment of stored water.

This is achieved by: 

  1. Removal of Sediment: The build-up of sediment in the bottom of the tank, including sludge, organic matter, leaf mould, mud and many other contaminants such as animal carcasses, is vacuumed and pumped from the bottom to waste.
  2. Circulation Process: If required, the water is passed through an advanced filtration system to eradicate any remaining foreign particles. At this stage, we will aerate (oxygenate) and circulate the water around the tank, ensuring the Anaerobic and Aerobic levels are distributed for healthy water from top to bottom.
  3. Water Sanitisation: Using our water sanitiser, AqueousPro™, we control any harmful bacteria that may exist in the water. It works by releasing millions of oxygen atoms into the water, which destroys bacteria, fungi, and viruses but also reduces unpleasant odours and bad tasting water. You can learn more by visiting our Water Sanitiser page. It leaves little residue and is approved through the Australian Drinking Water Guidelines as suitable for sanitising drinking water.
  4. Water Test: Finally, water tests are carried out to determine the pH level and conductivity. Results are recorded for future reference, and a detailed report on completion is sent to the tank owner.

Do you need a Water Tank Filtration System or Ultraviolet (UV) sterilisation?

Pristine Water Systems supplies and services a complete range of whole-of-house (WoH) filtration systems for domestic, rural, and commercial operations.

Learn More Here

Tank Water Testing: Have you ever considered what’s inside your rainwater tanks?

There are several potential health risks associated with stored water in rainwater tanks.

Birds, frogs, rodents, reptiles, and insects can often find their way into rainwater tanks, and their droppings contaminate the water, to say nothing of their carcasses when the animal is trapped and dies in the tank.

Decaying animal and organic matter in a tank can introduce harmful bacteria such as E. coli and coliforms, salmonella, giardia, and cryptosporidium. Other materials such as dust, leaves, twigs, corroded metals, roofing product residues, smoke, and wood fire particles can also be washed into the tank, tainting the drinking water and forming a significant amount of sludge in the bottom of the tank.

Sludge Removal | Pristine Water Systems | Water Storage Tank Cleaning, Filtration & Treatment
Black Sludge | Pristine Water Systems | Water Storage Tank Cleaning, Filtration & Treatment
Quadclean™ Sludge Removal | Pristine Water Systems | Water Storage Tank Cleaning, Filtration & Treatment
Water Disease Dead Frogs in Tank | Pristine Water Systems | Water Storage Tank Cleaning, Filtration & Treatment
Root Removed from Water Tank | Pristine Water Systems | Water Storage Tank Cleaning, Filtration & Treatment
Water Disease Tree Roots | Pristine Water Systems | Water Storage Tank Cleaning, Filtration & Treatment

Water Tank Cleaning Available Near You with Pristine Water Systems

Rural Tank Cleaning

If you have tank water at your property, this water is at risk of contamination. Stored water in domestic holding tanks may appear clear and clean, but the water tank will likely contain organic contaminants and micro-organisms, including bacteria, viruses, algae, protozoa, parasites and mould spores. More Information

Rural Tanks QuadClean™ | Pristine Water Systems | Water Storage Tank Cleaning, Filtration & Treatment
Commercial Water Tank Cleaning

Commercial Tank Cleaning

Commercial and Business Premises, as well as Community Buildings that have installed water storage tanks, fire protection or other water-saving systems such as water holding tanks or rainwater harvesting systems, find over time contaminants, such as leaf matter, mould, dirt and dust will build up and will be required to be removed and the tank cleaned. More Information

Slimline (City) Tank Cleaning

If you have a rainwater harvesting tank system at your property, over time, contaminants such as leaf matter, mould, dirt, and dust will build up, requiring removal and cleaning of the tank.

 In addition to our Tank Cleaning Services, PWS supplies and services a complete range of domestic and commercial filtration products, from washing machine filters to whole-house filtration systems.

Rainwater Tank Water Treatment

Like to find out more about joining the PWS team?

Pristine Water Systems currently have over 17 Franchisees operating in Queensland, New South Wales, Western Australia and expanding. We have opportunities across the country in some very exciting regions. If you are interested in working together, send us an enquiry and we will get back to you as soon as we can!