QuadClean™ is suitable in most situations for the cleaning of rainwater tanks and domestic and commercial applications as well as many other applications associated with the sanitisation and treatment of stored water.
This is achieved by:-
- Removal of Sediment: The build up of sediment in the bottom of the tank including sludge, organic matter, leaf mould, mud and many other contaminants such as animal carcasses is vacuumed and pumped from the bottom of the tank to waste.
- Circulation Process: If required, the water is passed through an advanced filtration system to eradicate any remaining foreign particles. At this stage, we will aerate (oxygenate) and circulate the water around the tank, ensuring the Anearobic and Aerobic levels are distributed for healthy water top to bottom.
- Water Sanitisation: Using our water sanitiser, AqueousPro™, we are able to control any harmful bacteria that may exist in the water. It works by releasing millions of oxygen atoms into the water, which destroys bacteria, fungus and viruses but also removes unsavoury tastes and nasty odours. You can learn more by visiting our Water Sanitiser page. It leaves little residue and is approved through the Australian Drinking Water Guidelines as suitable for sanitising drinking water.
- Water Test: Finally, water tests are carried out to determine the pH level and conductivity. Results are recorded for future reference with a detailed report given to the tank owner on completion.