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Water Guidelines: Why Water Tank Cleaning is Essential

Safe drinking water is essential for sustaining life. Never has the management of water and the quality of drinking water been more important! Ingesting poor-quality water may compromise your family’s health and well-being. Whether your water is sourced from a bore, well, or rainwater tank or delivered through mains/town water systems, protecting your health should be a priority, whether it is water for drinking, food preparation, cooking, cleaning, washing, or bathing. Whatever your water issues or needs, Pristine Water Systems has the solution for you.


Whatever your water issues or needs, Pristine Water Systems has the solution for you.

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Water Guidelines

Safe drinking water is essential for sustaining life.

 Never has the management of water and the quality of drinking water been more important! Ingesting poor-quality water may compromise your family’s health and well-being.

 Whether your water is sourced from a bore, well, or rainwater tank or delivered through mains/town water systems, protecting your health should be a priority, whether it is water for drinking, food preparation, cooking, cleaning, washing, or bathing.

 Whatever your water issues or needs, Pristine Water Systems has the solution for you.

Guidance on the use of rainwater tanks and water tank treatments

The ‘Guidance on the use of rainwater tanks’ was produced by the Environmental Health Committee (eHealth) of the Australian Health Protection Committee and issued by The Australian Government, Department of Health.

These guidelines are a resource for Environmental Health Officers, other professionals, and members of the public. Guidance on the use of rainwater tanks provides information on the range of potential hazards that can threaten water quality and recommendations for preventative measures to prevent these hazards from contaminating rainwater supplies.

The ‘Guidance on use of rainwater tanks’ has been issued to ensure consistency with the drinking water quality management framework incorporated in the Australian Drinking Water Guidelines (ADWG). The framework advocates implementing a preventive risk management approach to assuring water quality.

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines (ADWG) detail the necessity of Tank Water Purification

ADWG is concerned with the safety and aesthetic quality of drinking water for all consumers. Drinking water must be safe to drink and should not contain harmful concentrations of chemicals or pathogenic microorganisms. It should also be pleasing in appearance, taste, and odour.


The Australian Drinking Water Guidelines (2011), updated in August 2018, provide guidance to water regulators and suppliers on monitoring and managing drinking water quality. They were issued by The Australian Government’s National Health and Medical Research Council NHMRC.

Click on the image to download a copy.

Water Tank Servicing Monitors Rainwater Catchment:

Water Tank Maintenance:

  • Ensure water catchment and storage is regularly inspected and cleaned if necessary.
    • Ensure inspection openings are closed. Roofs, gutters and other catchment areas should be clean and free from debris such as leaves, flowers, dirt and any other contaminants.
    • Cut back overhanging vegetation and branches and keep these clear of catchment areas.

Rainwater Tank Cleaning:

  • Ensure inspection openings are closed and that insect and overflow screens are intact.
    • This will prevent access by insects, small animals, rodents, reptiles or other unwanted pests.

Water Tank Testing:

  • Inspect rainwater tank for accumulation of sediments or sludge build-up such as leaves, leaf mould, mud and any other contaminants.
    • If necessary de-sludge tank, clean and sanitise.

Community-based drinking water supplies need a higher level of management than those to individual dwellings. Operators/managers of community based supplies need to implement more formal documented management plans to assure quality. In addition, in Australia, drinking water is regarded as a food and may be subject to either general food legislation or specific drinking water legislation. Operators of community supplies should contact relevant health authorities to determine requirements under state/territory legislation


Guidance on use of rainwater tanks, Community-based supplies

In a similar fashion to all drinking water supplies, rainwater systems need to be monitored. Monitoring of domestic rainwater tanks consist of a range of visual inspections rather than laboratory testing or rainwater quality


Guidance on use of rainwater tanks, Community-based supplies