1300 364 858

Water is Life! The human body needs food and water to survive, with at least 60% of it being water. That means the average person would only survive 3 to 4 days without it!

Every living cell needs water, and drinking chemical-free water that has naturally fallen from the sky seems to be the ideal solution to ensure we are providing the healthiest option for our bodies.

However, rainwater, in terms of how it is collected and stored, is not necessarily a pure way of providing our families with healthy drinking water.

In the early 1900s, chlorine was added to water to help reduce waterborne diseases like typhoid, cholera, and dysentery. Chlorine has been attributed to increasing our average lifespan.

Many people are dissatisfied with using chemicals absorbed by our bodies, and while there are a variety of studies on the topic, whether chlorine contributes to cancer or is detrimental to our health is still debatable.

Waterborne diseases can be spread by bathing, washing, drinking water, or eating food that has been exposed to infected water.

Ultraviolet – A natural combatant to waterborne diseases

Using rainwater or groundwater for your main water supply increases the potential for waterborne diseases. In city/urban environments, where water is supplied through a central mains system, water is typically treated at its source, with pipelines flushed/maintained regularly to ensure limited potential for spreading waterborne diseases.

Chlorine is the typical chemical used to control waterborne diseases in urban settings and for rural water storage. However, it is not the only solution and is far from natural.

Ultraviolet (UV) sterilisation systems are environmentally friendly and a natural way to ensure your water supply is safe to drink. UV sterilisation was used in the early 1900s, but it was unreliable and required a lot of energy. Hence, chlorine became the main source of disinfection.

Technology has improved in recent decades, and UV has become more accepted as a primary method of naturally disinfecting water.

UV systems are an effective disinfectant due to their strong inactivating (germicidal) ability. UV disinfects water-containing bacteria and viruses and can be effective against protozoans like Giardia lamblia cysts or Cryptosporidium oocysts.

How do Ultraviolet Sterilization systems work?

UV radiation affects microorganisms by altering their DNA and impeding reproduction. The UV treatment doesn’t remove the organisms from the water; it merely inactivates them. The effectiveness of this process is related to exposure time, lamp intensity, and general water quality parameters. With a functioning UV system, 99.99% of microorganisms are rendered inactive.

Since lamp intensity decreases over time with use, lamp replacement and proper pre-treatment are key to the success of disinfection. Along with servicing the system, it is recommended that lamps be replaced every 12 months.

UV systems should be equipped with a warning device to alert the owner when lamp intensity falls below the germicidal range. An essential requirement for UV disinfection with lamp systems is an available and reliable source of electricity.

Used alone, UV does not improve the water’s taste, odour, or clarity. An effective system will include filters (before the UV) to strip any solids (sediment) and allow the UV system to attack microorganisms. Some pre-filters (carbon) may also improve the taste.

With the right filtration/UV system in place, you can remove all sediment down to 1 micron (a millionth of a meter) and disinfect 99.99% of bacteria. In addition, if you have issues with odour or taste, the right filter system can be utilised for more natural results.

Like to learn more about Ultraviolet sterilisation systems?

Pristine Water Systems provide water tank cleaning and filtration supply and services. If you would like to discuss whether or not you could use an Ultraviolet sterilisation system for your drinking water, call us today on 1300 364 858 or click the button below to learn more.

Looking for a water filtration system or replacement filters?

Pristine Water Systems looks after your water management, from the tank through to your taps.

We have a wide range of popular water filtration, ultraviolet sterilisation and replacement filter cartridges and parts. Our expert water technicians can help you select the right filter for your situation.

Visit our shop to view our range