1300 364 858


Whole of House Water Filtration & Sterilisation

Protecting your water supply for the whole family

The Pristine Water Systems Protect-UV range of filtration and Ultraviolet disinfection systems provide you with the purest, cleanest water.

Protect your household from harmful cysts and bacteria with a Chemical free solution!

Filtration & Ultraviolet Systems to suit your needs

  • Does your water sometimes look dirty?
  • Experiencing smelly water after periods of heat?
  • Have you ever felt sick, but pretty sure it wasn’t anything you ate?
  • Does your water taste dead or flat?

Managing your water supply is more than just ‘waiting for the rain’ to give your water life. You can have crystal clear, oxygenated and healthy water all year round with a Pristine Water Systems Protect-UV filtration and ultraviolet sterilisation unit.

Single Filter/Ultraviolet unit for small dwellings with low sediment count

Twin Filter/Ultraviolet unit suitable for most normal whole of house situations

Triple Filter/Ultraviolet unit suitable for situations where chemical/metal removal is required

Whatever your needs for water filtration and sterilisation, Pristine Water Systems has a system for you.

Our uniquely designed Ultraviolet chamber utilizes a Z-pattern molding to ensure water flow remains constant and to allow the unit to be fitted to all environmental situations.

  • Single Filter/Ultraviolet System: <insert description for use>
  • Twin Filter/Ultraviolet System: <insert description for use>
  • Triple Filter/Ultraviolet System: <insert description for use>

Optional extras for Twin and Triple units include:

  • Half Cover
  • Full Cover
    • 75 watt lamp for ______

Shopping around for a water filtration system?

Not all water filters do the same job. Let one of our expert Water Technicians help you choose a water filtration system that suits your household needs. Get in touch today!

How does a water filtration system help clean and sterilise your water?

Quality Filtration is essential in killing bacteria & viruses

Cysts, bacteria and viruses may easily hide behind larger particles of sand, dirt, dust or sediment. Viruses are the smallest and simplest life forms; they are 10-100 times smaller than bacteria.

Size of bacteria compared to a red blood cell, a human hair and a grain of course sand.

Our Filters are best on market:

  • Removes all sediment down to 0.5 micron
  • Gradient filter with nano zinc core means bacteria & viruses cannot live in filter
  • Designed for the Australian Navy and exclusively available to Pristine Water Systems

Full range of filters to remove:

  • Sediment
  • Chemical Spray Drift
  • Poor taste & smells

All year round protection with UltraViolet

An Ultraviolet Steriliser is an electrical device which produce ultraviolet energy (present in the natural spectrum of sunlight) that is used to destroy micro-organisms present in water, without introducing chemicals.

Water passes through the steriliser unit, where micro-organisms including bacteria, viruses, algae, protozoa, parasites and mould spores are exposed to an intense dose of ultraviolet light which inactivates them.

Inactivation occurs as the UV light scrambles the organisms’ DNA structure, making reproduction impossible. The UV process is simple and efficient, destroying 99.99% of harmful micro-organisms including Giardia and Cryptosporidium without the use of potentially harmful chemicals.


Features and benefit

  • Improved family health – UV sterilizes 99.99% of parasites, bacteria and viruses
  • Immediate treatment process
  • Economical and effective
  • Low maintenance – Lamp life 12 months
  • Approved to Australian standards AS/NZS 4348; AS/NZS 4397
  • Quality stainless steel UV chamber, quartz sleeve and UV lamp

Why choose Pristine Water Systems?

A PWS UV Filtration System is a hassle free low maintenance water purification system. With the appropriate service plan, pre-UV treatment filtration and clean catchment (Eg. Roof/gutters, water tank etc) your water will be pristine and pure all year round.

PWS not only sell water filtration systems, we also warrant and service our products, so quality and reputation are very important to us.

Pristine Water Systems Australia was established
in 2003. We continue to research and develop new products as well as refine our tried and proven systems to provide quality drinking water solutions.

happy people drinking water

Find the right Water Filtration/Sterilisation system for your needs

Ask our expert water technicians for an assessment of your water needs to ensure you have the right water filtration/sterilisation system for your home.