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Water Tank Aeration Systems: Maintaining Purified Tank Water

Water Tank Aeration Systems: Maintaining Purified Tank Water

AqueousAir™ is a water aeration system that will oxygenate and circulate the water in your rainwater tanks at a sub-surface level, helping improve your water quality whilst ensuring you get the most out of your stored water system.
The only time your water is naturally oxygenated is when new water is introduced into your tanks, whether that’s from rainfall collection, water delivery, or being pumped from dams, rivers, or bore systems.

Over time, as water sits idle in your tanks, oxygen in the water dissipates. The addition of sediment at the bottom of the tank creates what is referred to as an anaerobic level.
Anaerobic conditions, where organic matter builds up at the bottom of the tank, will cause bacteria to grow. Resulting in smelly or poor-tasting water.

Not only is this the ideal breeding ground for bacteria, but as your water sits idle, oxygen dissipates. In simple terms, your water becomes dull or dead.

Dissolved Oxygen (DO) measures the amount of oxygen dissolved in water. DO is present in all rainwater due to contact with the atmosphere. It is essential for water quality. Without DO, water becomes stagnant.

Most water tank storage systems extract water from the bottom of the tank. After periods of no rain and hot weather, when water sits stagnant, the Anaerobic level increases, and the depth of quality water decreases. DO levels are decreasing, which is when water can start to smell.

Water Tank Servicing Requirements to Maintain Safe, Healthy Tank Water

Your maintenance program should include:

Icons of products
Clear Catchment

1. Clean Water Tank Catchment Area

Water catchment and storage should be regularly inspected. For example, check that openings are closed. Roofs, gutters, and other catchment areas should be clean and free from debris such as leaves, flowers, dirt, and any other contaminants.

Water Tank Cleaning

2. Vacuum / Filter Water Tank

Clean and remove organic matter from the tank as necessary (no less that every 2 to 3 years).


3. Tank Water Purification From Tank to Taps

Sanitising your water/tank and the pipework through to the taps.

Water filter

4. Full House Water Tank Filtration / Ultraviolet Water Tank Filtration

Filter and disinfect with an Ultraviolet system before the water enters the house.


5. Oxygenate Your Tank Water

Oxygenate the water periodically between periods when there is no rain or water is not being added to the tank.

The AqueousAir™ water aeration system allows you to oxygenate and circulate clean air into your tank. The unit is raised off the tank floor and will agitate water around the tank. The full water depth will be properly revitalised with dissolved oxygen to invigorate and rejuvenate your drinking water by drawing air down to the bottom of the tank.


Z Prevents stagnation of your drinking water between long periods of rain
Prevents anaerobic conditions in your tank, where the lower levels of water have low or non-existent oxygen levels
Increases the depth of usable and vitalised water
Reduces bad bacteria population, helping to remove bad smells and tastes
Using sub-surface aeration to introduce oxygen to the lower levels of your water tank

How does a Water Tank Aeration System work in the Water Tank Cleaning Process

AqueousAir™ is a static, subsurface water aeration system that delivers the appropriate volume of air directly into water flow using venturi technology.

Water and air are delivered directly into the system via a submersible pump, which injects water while simultaneously drawing air. This pressurizes the air and water into the tank, circulating and reinvigorating your water.

The AqueousAir™ water aeration system will effectively and efficiently aerate water in tanks from 5,000 litres to 50,000 litres*. Air is sucked into the tanks at a rate of 70 litres per minute. Therefore, a 25,000-litre tank will take 6 hours to be completely circulated. For regular aeration, operating your AqueousAir™ water aeration system is adequate for approximately 1-hour per day for most water tank situations.

During periods between rain or manually topping up your water tanks, the AqueousAir™ water aeration system can be used for as little as half an hour daily. Oxygen will be agitated into the water, ensuring you have little to no Anaerobic levels in the bottom of your tank. This will provide a greater depth of usable water.

The AqueousAir™ water aeration system is best used in water tanks with organic debris and sediment layers removed from the tank(s). If there is organic matter and sediment in the tank, this will also be circulated around and could end up discolouring your water. If a Whole of House filtration system is installed, this will filter the water before it enters the house. However, more regular filter cartridge changes may also be required.

The AqueousAir™ system uses subsurface aeration technology to introduce air into the water. Compared with Surface Aeration methods, subsurface aeration is far more efficient. A higher volume of water can be circulated at a faster rate to achieve the required levels of DO. This will save energy and, with regularly timed operations, ensure optimal Pristine drinking water.

*We are also able to offer options/solutions for larger tanks

**Water volume and quality depending.

Water Tank Aeration: AqueousAir FAQs>

Why do I need to oxygenate my tank water?

Healthy water needs adequate dissolved oxygen. Rainwater naturally oxygenates as it falls through the atmosphere and flows into your water tanks. But as water sits idly in the tank, oxygen levels are depleted. Your water is only oxygenated when new water is added.

Without an aeration system, your drinking water will stagnate. Like a fish tank, you must introduce oxygen to ensure your water remains vibrant, healthy, and alive!

Why use AqueousAir as part of my Water Tank Filtration System?

AqueousAir has been specifically developed to introduce oxygen into rainwater tanks for everyday drinking. Unlike systems that are designed for ponds or fish tanks, AqueousAir will efficiently circulate water in tanks up to 50,000 litres, while the AqueousAir Plus can operate in tanks up to 250,000 litres.

AqueousAir utilises sub-surface aeration technology to ensure a higher volume of water is circulated faster, ensuring all the water in your tanks reaches the optimal oxygenation levels.

Will AqueousAir stir up sediment in my water tank?

If your rainwater tank has not been cleaned and has a build-up of sediment, then you may experience dirty water directly after AqueousAir has been in operation.

We recommend that your AqueousAir is installed with a timing mechanism to operate in the early morning hours so that any sediment has sufficient time to settle before your household requires water.

AqueousAir is best operated when your rainwater tank has been cleaned and sanitised and if you have a water filtration system to remove sediment before your water is used in the house.

How long do I need to run AqueousAir to oxygenate my water optimally?

For most rainwater tanks, AqueousAir only needs to be operated for 1-hour per day. During periods of rain, you can turn your AqueousAir off. For optimal water quality, running AqueousAir daily in the early morning hours will ensure you have vibrant, healthy water.

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